
History of the exhibition

The travelling exhibition “Fritz Bauer. District Attorney. Prosecuting Nazi Crimes” was developed in cooperation between the Fritz Bauer Institute and the Jewish Museum Frankfurt and presented for the first time in 2014. The online version was created on the occasion of Fritz Bauer’s 120th birthday in July 2023.
The exhibition was sponsored by the Hamburger Stiftung zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Kultur, the Federal Ministry of Justice, the Hessian Ministry of Justice, the Fazit Stiftung, the Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft, the Georg und Franziska Speyer’sche Hochschulstiftung, and by Dr. Nicolaus and Dr. Christiane Weickart. The technical realisation of the online version was funded by the friends’ association Fritz Bauer Institute e.V. We would like to thank the members of the friends’ association and its board for this support. Information about the friends’ association Fritz Bauer Institute e.V.: https://www.fritz-bauer-institut.de/verein We are also very grateful for the kind support of the public broadcasters Hessischer Rundfunk, Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR), Radio Bremen, Südwestrundfunk (SWR) and the Bundesarchiv.

Locations of the traveling exhibition

After its presentation at the Jewish Museum in Frankfurt am Main in 2014, the exhibition was shown at the following locations:
  • the Thuringian Parliament in Erfurt
  • the Regional Courts in Heidelberg and Tübingen
  • the Museum for the History of Christians and Jews in Laupheim
  • the NS-Documentation Center of the City of Cologne
  • the Military History Museum of the German Armed Forces in Dresden
  • the Jewish Museum of Westphalia in Dorsten
  • the Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds in Nuremberg
  • the Topography of Terror Foundation in Berlin
  • the Municipal Museum in Braunschweig
  • and finally the Palace of Justice in Vienna in 2022

Opening of the Fritz Bauer Exhibition at the Jewish Museum Frankfurt, 9 April 2014

Fritz Bauer Institut

Guided tour of the Fritz Bauer Exhibition by curator Monika Boll at the Cologne NS-Documentation Center, July 2016

Fritz Bauer Institut

Insight into the Fritz Bauer Exhibition at the Cologne NS-Documentation Center, July 2016

Fritz Bauer Institut

The “Rise of the National Socialists” station in the Cologne NS-Documentation Center, July 2016

Fritz Bauer Institut

The “Bidding Farewell to the Past” station in the Cologne NS-Documentation Center, July 2016

Fritz Bauer Institut

Visitors at the Fritz Bauer Exhibition in the Military History Museum of the German Federal Armed Forces, March 2017

Fritz Bauer Institut

Exhibition poster in front of the Military History Museum of the German Federal Armed Forces, March 2017

Fritz Bauer Institut

The Fritz Bauer Exhibition at the Topography of Terror Foundation in Berlin, April 2021

Jürgen Sendel / Stiftung Topographie des Terrors

The poster for the exhibitions on Fritz Bauer and the “Dancer of Auschwitz” at the Braunschweig Municipal Museum, October 2021

Fritz Bauer Institut

The Fritz Bauer Exhibition in the Vienna Palace of Justice, April 2022

Verein zur wissenschaftlichen Aufarbeitung der Zeitgeschichte, Vienna